

  • AppCode vs Xcode: What are the differences? Developers describe AppCode as 'IDE for iOS/macOS development'. It is an integrated development environment for Swift, Objective-C, C, C, and JavaScript development built on JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA platform. It takes care of your routine tasks and saves you from extra typing.
  • Learn how to code Swift/SwiftUI and build iOS apps using our free programming tutorials, books and video courses. You don't need any experience to get started.
  • AppCode is constantly monitoring the quality of your code. It warns you of errors and smells and suggests quick-fixes to resolve them automatically. AppCode provides lots of code inspections for Objective-C, Swift, C/C, and a number of code inspections for other supported languages. All code inspections are run on the fly.

Hi everyone!

AppCode 2021.1 EAP is available to download from our site.

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Trusted projects

In the 2020.3.4 update we’ve added the concept of trusted projects to AppCode in order to mitigate the risks associated with opening projects from unknown and untrusted sources. These changes are included in AppCode 2021.1 EAP. Read about them in this blog post.

Swift on Windows


The Swift plugin for CLion now works with the Swift toolchain on Windows – we have a dedicated blog post that covers all the features in detail!

That’s it! The full release notes are available here.

Your AppCode team
The Drive to Develop

Intelligent development

Thanks to an in-depth understanding of your code structure, AppCode takes care of your routine tasks and saves you from extra typing.

Efficient project navigation

Jump to any file, class, or symbol in your project in no time, use hierarchical and structure views to navigate through your project structure.

Appcode Eap

Smart completion

AppCode offers two kinds of code completion: basic as-you-type completion, and more advanced SmartType completion for precise filtering of suggestions.

Reliable refactorings

Modify and improve your code any time with safe, accurate and reliable refactorings.

Thorough code analysis

AppCode is constantly monitoring the quality of your code. It warns you of errors and smells and suggests quick-fixes to resolve them automatically.

AppCode provides lots of code inspections for Objective-C, Swift, C/C++, and a number of code inspections for other supported languages. All code inspections are run on the fly.

unit testing


Out of the box, AppCode supports XCTest, Quick, Kiwi, Catch, Boost.Test, and Google Test testing frameworks. Code generation action to get unit tests’ methods makes you more productive. Use ⌘N to get test methods according to the context.

Many languages, one IDE

Appcode Vs Xcode

AppCode natively supports Objective-C, Swift, C and C++ (including modern C++ standards, libc++ and Boost), as well as JavaScript, XML, HTML, CSS and XPath.

Rename refactoring

Rename variables, constants, functions, type names and classes and rest assured that AppCode will update all the usages across the entire code base for you.

Appcode Linux


Cut down on the routine when implementing or overriding methods - AppCode creates a stub with some default code for you.

Create from usage

Have you ever dreamed of creating a function, constant, variable or property declaration just by using it in your code? Simply press ⌥⏎ and have it created automatically in the right place!

The complete

AppCode is 100% compatible and interoperable with Xcode, with no additional configuration required, and seamlessly integrates with CocoaPods, Reveal application, most popular version control systems and a number of issue trackers.

Swift Support

AppCode 2020.3 supports multiple trailing closure syntax, multi-pattern catch clauses, and other recent Swift 5.3 changes.

SourceKit-based Go to Declaration

Use Go to Declaration in Swift even before indexing and caching are finished.

Swift Localization

Easily localize strings in Swift thanks to new intentions, and use completion and navigation for localization keys.

AppCode is a constant for me. There are a lot of things that it does much better than Xcode that save me a lot of time programming. It’s Awesome.
Anyone who’s not using AppCode is wasting precious time every day. I save hours every week, and feel impeded whenever I'm editing Objective-C outside of AppCode.
Appcodename mozilla
For me this is the best thing about AppCode – ability to quickly change and generate code.
The only iOS/macOS IDE where refactoring actually works.
With AppCode, it feels like code flies from my head to the screen.
AppCode is fantastic! Not only is it more stable than Xcode, but it provides the familiar power and efficiency that I've grown accustomed to with JetBrains products.

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