Sp2 Carbon

What is an sp2 hybridized carbon atom?

It means some sort of carbon-carbon double bond. Sp3 is single bonds, sp2 is double bonds, and sp is triple bonds. In ethylene, the carbon-carbon sigma bond is formed by overlap of one sp2 orbital (red) on each carbon atom. The carbon-hydrogen sigma bonds are formed by overlap of a carbon sp2 orbital (red) with a hydrogen 1 s orbital (blue). Overlap of one pz orbital (black) on each carbon forms the carbon-carbon pi bond.

1 Answer

carbon with #sp^2# hybridized atomic orbital is formed by mixing one s and two p atomic orbitals.



An example of carbon with #sp^2# hybridized atomic orbital is alkene, specifically the two carbons involved in the C=C. Each of that carbon has 3 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond.

Carbon is tetravalent (forms 4 bond) and the ground state electron configuration cannot explain its valency since there's only 2 unpaired electron (left image below).

Sp2 carbon atomSp2Sp2

Therefore, one of the electron in 2s will be promoted to the empty 2pz orbital (middle image below).

In order to form the 3 sigma bonds in ethene, one 2s and two of the 2p orbitals will mix to form three#2sp^2# hybridized orbitals (right image below). These three hybridized orbital will bond with other atoms to form sigma bonds. The remaining one 2p orbital will form a pi bond with 2p orbital of the other carbon through sideway overlap.

Sp2 Carbon Vs Sp3 Carbon

Note that the three#2sp^2# hybridized orbitals are all degenerate and have lower energy compared to 2p orbital. They will arrange themselves into trigonal planar geometry. Also, they have 33% s character [1/3*100 = 33%].

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